There are many ways to choose from when people are working out. In addition to going outdoors to work out, there comes a variety of fitness equipment in the gym that can also achieve good fitness goals. Exercise bike cycling is popular in the gym. However, most people have no idea about how to ride a bicycle and what cycling work can help them achieve their fitness goals.

Below are 4 best ways of riding on an exercise bike:
- Intense cycling
It can make the heart rate to reach over 85% of the maximum heart rate. At this time the body is supplying energy mainly in a glycogen anaerobic enzyme way, can improve the anaerobic exercise capacity of the whole body, especially the thigh muscles, and help enhance the anaerobic limit. In other words, the physical discomfort after strenuous exercise will be delayed, helping us to engage in higher intense exercise, or to persist for a longer period during intense exercise.
- Medium-speed cycling
It controls the heart rate at 65%-85% of the maximum heart rate, which is a good way to exercise cardiorespiratorily and to enlarge the body's aerobic capacity.
- A combination of intense and moderate cycling
In addition to improving cardiorespiratory, aerobic and anaerobic strength, it can also contribute to the fun of exercise. If you can get scientific guidance and use a more reasonable combination of intense and moderate cycling, you will also achieve better fitness goals.
- Moderate cycling for long
It basically controls the heart rate under 65% of the maximum heart rate. Lasting more than 20 minutes, it will burn more fat to supply energy, so it is more suitable for obese people with the purpose of fat loss.
Tips for you while cycling:
- Do not wear the inappropriate shoes
Riding on an exercise bike and on a bicycle are different, so you must pay attention to the comfort of your shoes when riding on an exercise bike. If you wear shoes that are not designed for cycling on exercise bikes or soft shoes, it is likely to develop pain in your back of the feet after a period of exercise. Wearing special shoes can be a good way to relieve this feet pain or numbness.
- Do not adjust the seat too far forward
The seat position depends on the angle of the knee bending. Experts indicate that too much forward seat position will affect the angle of the pelvis, which causes pressure to the lower back, and also results in the waist and hip discomfort.
- Do not adjust the seat too far back
As this happens, your legs will need to be more stretched to pedal, just like when the seat is adjusted too high, there will be the following dangers: strain of the posterior tendon muscle group, inflammation of the tendon and and the pain on the lower back.
- Do not adjust the handlebar too high
Some fitness professionals instructed not to adjust the handlebar too high, otherwise it will affect the effectiveness of the ride. If the handlebar is too high, our body will be straight, then we have to use more force to step down on the bike, so it is easy to make the cycling not smooth.
- Do not adjust the handlebar too low
Adjusting the handlebar too low is also incorrect, leading our hands and elbows be under too much pressure, which makes you feel the numbness and tingling of the hands for a period of time. If a beginner adopts such a posture, it may also cause pain in the neck and the back, then we just need to adjust the height of the handlebar to ease this feeling.
- Do not adjust the handlebar too low
Adjusting the handlebar too low is also incorrect, leading our hands and elbows be under too much pressure, which makes you feel the numbness and tingling of the hands for a period of time. If a beginner adopts such a posture, it may also cause pain in the neck and the back, then we just need to adjust the height of the handlebar to ease this feeling.
Conclusion: gym exercise is a wise choice in the rainstorm or foggy days.Riding on an exercise bike can make it easier to maintain the body, people who want to slim down through the bicycle can also achieve the effect of weight loss. However, the so-called simple exercise also has many details need to be paid attention to, otherwise you will waste your time.